
Publié le par Skygge

Hei folks.
I'm working for my finals (right now a course about the Swedish Erik/Sverker dynasties) and I hope you're all fine. Here in Paris the weather is pretty nice and the smell of BBQ starts flying over my neighbourhood on sundays.

I have not said a single word about it since I created this blog, but my stay in Bergen has been planned for years. I visited the city several times and last year i visited a friend who was studying there, see Flickr or Picasa (right column) for photos.
As written below y courses seem to have been accepted. So here what I'll do if everything goes as I planned it:

I met my "Erasmus coordinator" in December. A very "cool" guy. He seemed to appreciate my project. Last year I left my University because those wankers didn't want to let me go, so I moved to a crappy University in the suburbs... but I don't care 'cause now I can go to Bergen in order to study for a whole year. So I met the guy and together we built a "courses-plan". He was OK but there was a little problem: I had to respect the main lines of the courses of my home University. But in Bergen there are no courses focusing on Ancient/Modern history (mean Antiquity and post-Middle Ages periods). The professor was saying that he didn't care about, but that he was not able decide everything by himself and that we had to find a solution. He wanted me to pass minor exams in France after my norwegian ones. I was OK but he later changed is mind and said that I will have to pass the Bergen ones only.

On semester 1:
- History and Culture of Norway - 15 ECTS.
- Tradition and Culture of Norway - 15 ECTS.
- Norwegian language level 1 - 15 ECTS.

45 ECTS means a lot of work but I don't care, it will be during the winter so good times during the summer ;-)

On semester 2:
- Sami Religion - 15 ECTS
- Norwegian Language Level 1 or 2 - 15 ECTS

So now it makes 75 ECTS, and I have to get 60, so if I miss one of the exams it won't be the drama...
I don't know if I'm clear, i hope you got it...


MS Atlantic Traveller (Image: Fjordline)

By the way, I booked my ferry in December too, for good prices. Hanstholm/Bergen on 26/07/2007. My car, myself and another guy = 119 euros! Cheap Fjordline! Colorline is at least 245 euros and I booked that in winter. Booking a few weeks before must be a Hell, i think prices increase a lot.

'Loudly would the sons of Hunding laugh,
they who snatched the life of Eylimi,
if the prince had a greater lust
to gain red gold than to avenge his father.'

Reginsmál, v 15

Publié dans University

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Hello! Congratulations on getting admitted to the University of Bergen.<br /> I've studied there also 2 years ago: it was a very wonderful, great and good  time. I hope you will also enjoy your stay in this lovely city.<br /> I'm looking forward to reading your 'adventures' in Bergen.<br /> <br /> ha det bra!
Congratulations dude, hope you have a killer time there. Dont forget to take pics for your friends abroad :)
SAlut, Profite bien de ton séjour... j'ai que des bons souvenirs d'erasmus !