Exams - II + Julebord

Publié le par Skygge

This week-end marked  the beginning of the **real** holidays. Wednesday 5th I had my Norwegian written exam and the day after I had the oral one. I was anxious, for the written one in particular. But it went not so bad I think, and the oral one went good. Questions were asked by both my teacher and another person. My teacher (hello Dag) was cool and nice with me and asked be to talk about what I like in Norway and Bergen... from trips to Taake, and from pølser to rømmegrøt. Was fun.

Thursday evening after all the oral exams, with my class and Dag we went for a Julebord at Zupperia in Bergen, a cosy restaurant/bar under the Museum of Decorative Arts (Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum). Some beers and jokes, nice evening. Actually, rather nice start .  Back in Fantoft around 10PM... time to meet in a kitchen and to drink some crates of beer. Around 12:15 we left Fantoft to reach the Center with the last buses, and to go to Studenten, a nightclub with shitty music but with free entrance and "cheap" drinks, located in Vaskerelvsmuget, just behind Dickens. The ambiance and mood are always good there because we are mving there like masses. Beer is 39kr, cocktails are 59kr.  I choosed to smash myslef with  Jack & Coke this night and my wallet seemed very empty just after. We spent good moments why the German guys singing - pissed drunk - Brann and Bergenske sanger in front of the nightclub... nobody cared because everybody was drunk in this area... Back in Fantoft by maxi taxi around 4AM, meeting at the 9th floor, some beers, and schlafen. Friday morning I was fucking dead but I needed that! And after all, this is for what Erasmus exists.

Publié dans University

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