One month in a row... dammit !

Publié le par Skygge

Well I just realized that  I have been here for already one month... here I can't find any time to do all what I would like to do... Stucked between walks, parties, courses, and so on. I would need 35 hours a day. I'll try to sum up that last month with a few lines and photos...
So  as said before I arrived July  27th. My friend went back to France August 3rd. A big BBQ party  was organized  down  the blocks of the  student hostel the saturday before the introduction week and it was fucking great to meet people, espite the fact that 35% of Fantoft is probably German and 15% probably French. Spanish are many too.  I also met some great people from Afghanistan. Until 7/9th of August I was alone in my floor but it got crowded in 3 days...
Then the Introduction Week (fadderuken or mentor week) started with some presentation of the university, of the courses, help to register step by step and so on, and some social activities (means massive drinking in Norwegian, hehehe). Best time of this week as a BBQ at a place called Kollevågen in Askøy, 30 minutes north from Bergen sentrum. Pølser and beer contests... fucking great. The 17th we had a free boat trip, could have been nice if the sky had not poured tons of water on the area. We were soaked by water and rowned into fog.

Bruvik boat trip Kolevågen
Boat trip (Meland) and Kolevågen

The week after, courses started, except Norwegian language courses. My first course of SAS13 (Norwegian history) was a walk in the old Bergen and turned into an urban history course. My first course of SAS14 (Norwegian art/culture) was just a presentation course... The same week I had the Hole In The Sky Festival. Four days of madness and mind crushing... 22, 23, 24, 25th of august. Most appreciated bands, in no particular order: Immortal, Meleschech, Vreid, Blood Tsunami, Deathcon, TestamenT, Deströyer 666... and many more. Met great people. Some frenchies I know came and we had a sunny and hot hike at Ulriken the 21th.

IMG_1177 Ulriken hike 22/08/07
Hike to Ulriken

This monday (27th) I finally started my Norwegian courses. Its pretty cool, except once again the fact that 75% of my groups is actually German people. Otherwise, there is one guy from Sudan, one from Chile, 2 from Hong Kong, one from Czech Republic. Dag, the professor, comes from Lofthus in the Hardanger, so we learn the "West Coast" Norwegian (yo nigga!).
Stay tuned for updates.

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A Hardanger ca sonne comme dans le Rogaland?--RRR loin de l'accent chantant d'Oslo?Au moins, pour les Frenchies c est plus facile a comprendre :)(cf le pretre de la Norske kirke de Stockholm dont je comprends l'office rogalandien).Quand est ce que vous aurez la neige :D?