Some news + H.I.T.S + Denmark

Publié le par Skygge

Hi folks

It's wednesday evening and my week is quite busy and intense... first with the results of the election in France i won't comment here, then with my finals and third with the announcement of the killer line up of the Hole In The Sky.
So monday I had 3 exams... 3 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours, so 8 hours without any rest. My first exam was about Pompeius (Roman Republic), my second one was about religion in the medieval Scandinavia and my third one was a text about Jeanne d'Arc which I totally fucked. At least the two first were easier.

I had some rest yesterday so I bought tickets for the mega-expansive but great metalfest of Bergen : the Hole In The Sky, with bands such as MayheM; Deströyer 666, Immortal, Napalm Death, Anaal Nahtrakh, Testament and the mighty old Sabbat.

Today I had an exam about the Heroes in the Greek ancient history... was pretty fun and I think I did a good job. Let's go for english exam tomorrow and geography exam monday 21th, no problem for those, will be easier.

I've thought about the trip I'll do to reach Hanstholm before sailing to Bergen. I'll probably take 2 days to cross Germany and 2 days to visite some old fortresses and runestones in Denmark.
I should receive my letter of acceptance from UiB very soon...and I'll start to prepare my stuff and checkilists in a few weeks. This year will blow out some asses!

Over Bjørgvin gråter himmerik
Tro og frender
Til kirkegård b
Vond tid venter nær
På dem som stirret seg blind
For å se Gud

Taake - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid... Part I

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