Week end til Hardanger

Publié le par Skygge

Heisann folks.
I spent a wunderbar week-end in the district of Hardanger. In Aga, on the shores of the Sørfjord, to be more accurate. I put four spanish girls in my wunderbar Renault Clio and we left Bergen on Saturday. We directly headed towards Odda to do a famous hike in the Buerdal, to reach the glacier Buer (Buerbreen), an arm of the Sør-Folgenfonna. We just stopped in Kvamskogen, Steindalfossen, Utne and Norheimsund for some photos.
After the hike we went north and spent the night in a hytte in Aga. Good night 5 meters from the fjord, French Crêpes by myself, fresh eggs and milk from the farm. Once again, wunderbar.

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Sunday we headed north again til Utne to cross the fjord to Kinsarvik (pronounced Shyeenssarveek, hahaha). Then the wunderbar hike in Husedalen. Two kilometers of true and narrow gravel road toward Kinso Kravfverk at the feet of Tveitefossen, one of the four waterfalls of this valley. Well, the most pussy and shit waterfall of this valley... I didn't even take a pic of it. Of course, pussy compared to others. But big anyway. Because of the rain and of the lazyness of my comrades we stopped the hike at the top off the second watefall, the gorgeous and massive Nyastølfoss.

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Up in the valley stands the narrow but powerful Nykkjesøyfoss and further, the massive, curved, loud and impressive Søtefoss. At the top of this one begins the Hardangervidda, the rawest, biggest and highest plateau in western Europe. Inhabited by reindeers, lemmings, trolls and bear-skins dressed nice Norwegian girls.

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During our hike we crossed the path of three hunters who immediatly made me think to the crazy perverts of Delivrance: they really looked like white-thrash-autist-båååå dudes. And I didn't have my bow, lol.
Husedalen is a protected site and is supposed to remain what it is today: one of the rawest and most preserved valley of southern Norway.
After the hike we headed back to Bergen by the traditional (and only) road Kvanndal-Norheimsund-Kvamskogen-Indre Arna-Nesttun-Bergen. We stopped somewhere along the Hardangerfjord to buy good and cheap fruits from here (11kr/kilo).
As usual, click on the pics to get bigger ones and access my Flickr folders.

Kvanndal ferry terminal

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